Breathing recirculated air with strangers or even family members is a modern day gamble.  Our enemy is unseen, microscopic, airborne and staying fifteen minutes in the same room of the asymptomatic can be fatal.  At Solaric we take active precautions to a new level by scrubbing the air with our AirSafe tm technology.   We borrowed the same principles used in bio defense lab HEPA filtration and coupled it with UV light disinfection of internal filters to give those pathogens no chance. This is not some sissy consumer air purifier – we reinvented it with best in class airflow, filtration, and capability for your home,office, or clinic – we got you covered. And yes we have spare filters, local warranty and the stellar customer support ready for you right here in Makati. We have 2 models – the AS40 for small rooms and private spaces, and the AS95 for larger rooms up to 60SQM.